
Medical record review

The medical record review is most often the first step in a case. I will provide you with a concise summary and timeline of the medical care, along with an objective expert opinion on the merits of the case.

Medical and standard of care research

Establishing the standard of care is imperative for any case. The standard of care is based on the customary practices of the average provider with the same level of training and in the same clinical circumstance. It is often dictated by professional organizations and based on scientific evidence. I will provide objective and up to date standard of care guidelines applicable to your specific case.

Deposition preparation

Adequate preparation time is necessary for a successful deposition. We will spend time discussing my background and qualifications, review potential questions, and prepare responses.

Written expert witness opinions

I will provide clear, concise, and accurate written expert witness reports, with an unbiased and honest approach. I understand the need for written reports to be both factual and written in a format easily understandable for all parties involved.

Attorney conference

Building a successful attorney-expert partnership is essential to cultivating a good working relationship. Open communication regarding the facts of the case, strategies, and legal proceedings are all elements I consider essential for a successful case.


I have extensive experience providing expert witness testimony during depositions. I strive to deliver factual and articulate responses, while focusing on the evidence of the case.

Trial testimony (telephonic and in-person)

Similar to depositions, I have extensive experience delivering articulate and clear testimony both in person and via electronic means. I strive to have a complete and detailed understanding of all aspects of the case and am able to remain poised and effective in high stress situations.

Independent medical examinations

The purpose of an independent medical examination is to evaluate the extent of an injury and it’s potential underlying causes from an objective perspective. During an examination, I will review previous medical records, evaluate the causes and contributing factors, determine the severity of the injury and related functional deficit, and articulate the results of previous medical care and what further treatment may be beneficial.

Specialty Focus